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JMeter vs Gatling Tool

I think you'll agree when I say:

It's REALLY hard to decide whenever JMeter or Gatling Tool should be used.

You're probably wondering:

  • How does JMeter to Gatling Tool compare?
  • Which tool has best documentation? Performances? Script Maintainability?
  • Should I use JMeter or Gatling? Or maybe both?

Well, it turns out you can gain significant insight on JMeter and Gatling differences in just 5 minutes reading!

Following up our article about why we chose JMeter to build OctoPerf, our Cloud Load Testing Platform, this post compares JMeter and Gatling Tool on many different fields:

  • Project History: which tools is improved and maintained more actively,
  • Features: which of the two has the most features,
  • Setup: how each tool can be installed,
  • Documentation: which tool does have the most complete documentation,
  • Scripting: compares how to design scripts with both tool,
  • Performances: is JMeter faster than Gatling? Which is the most efficient tool,
  • and even more!

Ready for some action? Let's go!

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