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OctoPerf v12.4 - Integrate with Postman, Microsoft Teams, Grafana and Dynatrace

The focus of OctoPerf 12.4 is on integrations, first in regards to creating test scripts through our new Postman import released a few weeks ago. Through postman we also open OctoPerf to swagger and open API imports.

Microsoft Teams is also on the menu in terms of alerting before/after the tests, but the main dish is the backend listeners. Through these you can have our load generators send metrics to your own database in real time during the test. And by database I also mean several APM tools, like dynatrace, datadog and others.

On top of all this we've upgraded the scheduler to be able to chain several load tests one after another, upgraded to JMeter 5.4.1 and a couple of other features detailed below.


API testing with OctoPerf

API testing has always been possible in OctoPerf but to enable faster test design we've worked on a Postman integration.

The way it works is that you can import an existing postman collection into OctoPerf and we will create all the associated requests automatically for you:


Qytera - Case study

Qytera software is a company dedicated to providing fast and effective quality assurance for their customers. Their area of expertise includes Test Management, Test Automation, Continuous Testing and Agile Testing. All of this centered around the latest web and mobile technologies.

Prajakta Gadilkar
Moritz Salein is a Senior test manager & test automation developer at Qytera
As part of an incoming load test campaign, he was looking for a solution to easily scale his JMeter tests.
His challenge was that he had to generate a huge amount of load from various locations in the cloud
but the customer wasn't exactly sure of how much load had to be generated.

The Complete Guide of JMeter Controllers

In this blog post we are going to look at several JMeter Controllers, specifically:

This is not an exhaustive list of controllers that JMeter offers but these once will give you a clear insight into how controllers are integral in defining load testing scenarios and how without them you will struggle to build complex and indicative load tests.

Technically JMeter has two types of controllers and these are categorised as Samplers and Logical Controllers, the controllers we are looking at in this post are the Logical Controllers that allows you to customise how JMeter delivers requests to meet your load profiles.

Let’s look at the logical controllers with some examples of how they can be used, our tests will consist of Dummy Samplers as this is the simplest way to demonstrate how the various Controllers work. You can follow along each example by downloading the JMX here.

OctoPerf v12.2 - Flexible license sharing, improved VU validation, XPath and JQuery

We've been working a lot behind the scenes for this release because we wanted to address the license sharing issue. Up until today it was only possible to ask us to share the license for you and sharing could only share every license you own. We had to completely refactor the way we handle licenses to allow you to decide on your own to share all or a fraction of your subscriptions.

But that's not all, we also worked on a VU validation with multiple iterations. XPath and JQuery processors were only available when importing from JMeter but now you can create them directly in OctoPerf's UI and use them in your automatic correlation rules. And many other features that we will highlight in this post.


Share a license

The main course is the new license sharing system. It used to be possible to share a license by asking our support team to share all your licenses with another account, but even if we always answer fast that was not convenient and even worse, you had to share all your licenses with the new account.

For these reasons, we've worked on a system that is fully flexible, allowing you to share some or all your subscriptions with another OctoPerf account:


A complete look at JMeter's FTP and SSH SFTP samplers

While the File Transfer Protocol is one of the original protocols used in the early adoption of the internet it remains a fundamental part of modern computer networks.

In this post we will look at the way the JMeter can support you in performance testing FTP and SFTP.

SFTP is a more recent development to provide a layer of security over the original protocol to make it more suitable for the modern internet and is different to FPT in many ways.

Whilst SFTP is considered more appropriate for modern systems there are still many applications that rely on, and implement, FTP and therefore we will look at how we can test both.

If you want to follow along, a JMX file containing all the steps detailed below can be downloaded here.