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Streamlining QA with functional and performance testing integration

Join Danielle Forier, Software Quality Assurance Analyst, as she shares the journey of how her QA team transformed their testing strategy by integrating functional and performance testing. Discover how reusable scripts and the right tools helped them achieve seamless workflows, greater efficiency, and the scalability needed to manage a growing and complex product portfolio.

Danielle Forier
Danielle Forier, is an Information Technology leader with over 15 years experience, she has a successful track record in key management, consulting, and individual contributor positions. Hands-on business experience in commodity trading, finance, logistics order-to-cash, and SDLC best practices allow her to be a proven IT change agent.

Cooperative U - Case study

Cooperative U (formerly known as Système U), is a huge French retailers cooperative, made up of hundreds of independent hypermarkets and supermarkets, which makes it the one of the largest retail group in France. It's entire IT development and management is handled by U Tech (ex U IRIS), making performance testing one of its many responsibilities, in collaboration with SIGMA, a digital solutions provider they work closely with.

In 2022, while a Neoload customer for multiple years, U Tech decided to rethink it's performance strategy and looked for ways to improve its efficiency.

That's during this process that discussions with Octoperf started which ultimately lead Cooperative U's decision to make the switch from Neoload to Octoperf.

This article will explain why Cooperative U made this decision, how they implemented that change with SIGMA's help and what they are planning to do next to integrate Octoperf even more in their IT environment.

Adeo - Case study

Adeo is the European leader in the home improvement and DIY market, and number 3 worldwide. Its companies : Leroy Merlin, Bricoman, Weldom, Zôdio… Gather 150 000 leaders and more than 1000 sales points over 20 countries.

Teams all over the world enable ADEO companies be useful to inhabitants while making home a positive place to live.

Thomas Pitteman
Thomas Pitteman Very fond of everything related to computers, he worked in the transport industry before merging work with passion by joining Adeo in 2018. He is now head of load testing, responsible for harmonizing testing methodologies and the onboarding process. He was also an important part of the benchmarking process which resulted in the selection of Octoperf as the new load testing tool.

Marc Lavieville
Marc Lavieville is lead Quality Manager at Adeo. Always attracted to innovations and new challenges, he worked in many different fields before ending up creating the team responsible for quality management at Leroy Merlin. Since that project was a success, and with the emergence of platform mode operation, he was asked to contribute that team to the whole Adeo group.

While load testing was gaining traction in the company, limitations from the usual tool, were found and prevented an easy growth:

  • 5 parallel runs limitation, that could only be upgraded through a very expensive license modification,
  • Floating licensing policy which only allowed 5000 concurrent Vus for the entire company,
  • Load tests duration capped at 8 hours,
  • Insufficient resources on the load generators (2CPU / 8Gb Ram),
  • The lack of a strong relationship with the tool's support team.

All those limitations pushed ADEO to begin the process of acquiring a new tool.

BivwAk! - Case study

BivwAk! is the transformation hub for BNP Paribas. Its goal is to bring new services and skillsets at the crossroad of all BNP Paribas entities. It's in this context that Dino learned about OctoPerf.

Dino Dona
Dino Dona is the QA lead at BivwAk! He handles all the testing-related activities.
Dino is very passionate about testing because it's a constantly evolving space.
With new methodologies and tools emerging all the time.

We met Dino at the french testing event JFTL. After a short discussion it was clear that OctoPerf would be a very good fit at BivwAk!

Pearson - Case study

Pearson, founded in the 19th century, is one of the world leaders in providing education services all around the globe.

Francisco Muniz is the Performance Architect for Pearson, responsible for Performance Alignment across Pearson's Virtual Learning. This position entails working with many different parts of the organization, such as Architecture, Development, and QA.

As such, Francisco was leading and overseeing the important Octoperf and Loadrunner software switching project.

The solution in place was LoadRunner, a legacy solution. This meant re-thinking the strategy in many areas, including performance testing.

Francisco Muniz
Francisco Muniz is the Principal Performance Architect for Pearson, responsible for Performance alignment across Pearson's Global organization.
As such, he was leading and overseeing that important software switching project.

The legacy solution in place was LoadRunner.

This meant re-thinking the strategy in many areas, including performance testing.