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OctoPerf v14.4.1 - Playwright, JMES Path and improved reporting

OctoPerf v14.4.1 is out, which the perfect occasion to list the features highlights from these last months. You might have already noticed some of those features in OctoPerf a while ago, but we wanted to improve them until they are on par with our quality requirements before releasing them.



First of all, if you don't know what Playwright is, I strongly suggest you follow our introductory tutorials on this blog. This series of articles will walk you through all you need to know in order to get started.

OctoPerf v13.1 - Jira, variable queues, recorder and new UI improvements

Our New user interface has kept us busy for a while now, which explains why we haven't made an update post like this one in a while. You've probably noticed that the UI has changed a lot since the first version released last year. It's obvious when you put them side by side.

The beta version:


And the latest:


A lot of it had to do with updating to Angular 15 but this was also the perfect occasion to offer an even better user experience. The look and feel will continue to evolve as we integrate new features, feedbacks and bugfixes but we're proud to say that the bulk of it is behind us now.

OctoPerf's new UI - Design changes

This article is the second in a series of overviews of our new UI. You can find the first one here.

This time we will dive into the changes we've made in the design phase. We've addressed many pain points from the old UI that we want to detail here:

This will make the design in OctoPerf even faster, so that you can focus more time on your tests and analyzing them.

Create virtual user

The first item on the list is obviously the new virtual user creation process. A lot of people were confused by the older UI and used the menus to get back to the project level when what they really wanted was to get back to the last step. Of course the fact that you are now required to click on Back / Next to move to the another step of the process requires one more interaction but it's also a lot easier to understand what's going on since it results from your actions. We think it's the right way to go since the only drawback is adding a couple of clicks on a process that is only used a few times per project.

To make things easier for beginners, the contextual documentation will display as soon as you select any option. It's also a better use of horizontal space that would otherwise be lost:
