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Angular: How to use Virtual Scroll with a Flat Tree?

Angular: How to use Virtual Scroll with a Flat Tree?

While developing OctoPerf's frontend I quickly stumbled upon performance issues with Angular Material tree when too many nodes where opened. OctoPerf is a load testing solution. As such, it displays a tree of actions and containers used to script the load testing scenarios:

Actions tree

With hundreds of directories expanded, the frontend quickly became slow to the point of being unusable. By default, even nodes outside of the visible part of the tree are rendered in the DOM. Since this feature is not directly available yet, I had to switch from a classic CSS scrollbar to a Virtual Scroll manually. This blog post lists all the steps I had to follow in order to use a Virtual Scroll on a complex Material Tree.


The actions tree in octoPerf uses a FlatTreeControl to manage the data. It is probably quite harder (or even impossible) to use a Virtual Scroll with a NestedTreeControl!

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Updating the Tree HTML

The first step is to update the tree component. This blog post presents striped down versions of the code for clarity.

In the previous version it used the Material tree:

<mat-tree [dataSource]="dataSource" [treeControl]="treeControl">
  <mat-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let node" matTreeNodeToggle matTreeNodePadding [matTreeNodePaddingIndent]="20">
    <button mat-icon-button disabled></button>
    <lib-storage-node [node]="node" [expanded]="false">

  <mat-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let node;when: hasChild" matTreeNodePadding [matTreeNodePaddingIndent]="20">
    <lib-toggle-button [expanded]="treeControl.isExpanded(node)"></lib-toggle-button>
    <lib-storage-node [node]="node" [expanded]="treeControl.isExpanded(node)">

It can be replaced by a Virtual Scroll loop:

  • The cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport component specifies the itemSize (the height of our tree nodes in our case),
  • The structural directive *cdkVirtualFor loops over the tree dataSource.
<cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport itemSize="26" minBufferPx="400" maxBufferPx="800">
    <ng-container *cdkVirtualFor="let node of dataSource">
      <div [style.padding-left]="depth(node) * 20 + 'px'" class="app-tree-node">
        <lib-storage-node [node]="node" [expanded]="treeControl.isExpanded(node)">

Since we are not in a tree anymore, we cannot use dedicated directives such as matTreeNodePadding to display the indentation of the nodes. Here it is replaced by a simple style binding [style.padding-left]="depth(node) * 20 + 'px'". The depth is computed in the component and is basically the depth of the current node minus the depth of the root node. This will obviously depend on what kind of nodes your tree is displaying.

Also, you may have to make a few css adjustment to enforce the height of your nodes, here with the app-tree-node class:

.app-tree-node {
    min-height: auto !important;
    height: 26px;


The maxBufferPx and minBufferPx inputs sets the buffer size of the virtual scroll in pixels. I had to increase these values (100 to 200px being the default) in order to avoid displaying a clear tree when the user quickly scrolls through it.

The OctoPerf actions tree uses another component to display the files/directory nodes: lib-storage-node. In the previous version, the toggle button lib-toggle-button was added before the node component. I could not manage to make this work with the Virtual Scroll and decided to move the toggle button into the node.

Update the Tree Node Component

The Virtual Scroll does View Recycling by default to improve rendering performance. The size of the view cache can be adjusted via the templateCacheSize property and setting it to 0 disables caching. Since we are trying to improve UI performance that might be a bad idea. So we have to take extra care to handle this view recycling cache.

The recycling of views implies a few modifications on the tree node component. Here is the previous version of the tree node:

<div class="hover-show-parent">
  <span (click)="treeControl.nodeClick($event, node)">
    <lib-icon class="m-r-xs" [icon]="node | storageNodeToIcon" [state]="expanded ? 'expanded' : ''"></lib-icon>
    {{node | storageNodeToName}}
  <div class="hover-show-child">
    <ng-template [cdkPortalOutlet]="nodeButtons"></ng-template>

It is a simple component. It displays an icon and a name for each node using pipes (storageNodeToIcon and storageNodeToName). Buttons are injected using a portal and displayed on mouse over (More about this).

Compared to the Virtual Scroll one, the HTML is quite similar:

<div (mouseenter)="hover = true" (mouseleave)="hover = false">
  <lib-toggle-button *ngIf="hasChild" [expanded]="treeControl.isExpanded(node)" (click)="treeControl.toggle(node)"></lib-toggle-button>
  <button *ngIf="!hasChild" mat-icon-button disabled></button>
  <span (click)="treeControl.nodeClick($event, node)">
    <lib-icon class="m-r-xs" [icon]="node | storageNodeToIcon" [state]="expanded ? 'expanded' : ''"></lib-icon>
    {{node | storageNodeToName}}
    <ng-template [cdkPortalOutlet]="nodeButtons"></ng-template>

The toggle button to expand/collapse directories was moved from the tree component to the node component (More about this).

The major update to do is on the component itself. In the MatTree version, the node data and expanded state are injected directly on class fields, and the buttons CdkPortal is set in the ngOnInit method:

  selector: 'lib-storage-node',
  templateUrl: './storage-node.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./storage-node.component.scss']
export class StorageNodeComponent implements OnInit {

  @Input() node: StorageNode;
  @Input() expanded: boolean;

  public nodeButtons: ComponentPortal<any>;

  constructor(public ref: ElementRef,
    public treeControl: StorageTreeControlService,
              private injector: Injector,
              @Inject(STORAGE_NODE_BUTTONS) @Optional() private nodeButtonsType: any) {

  ngOnInit() {
    this.nodeButtons = new ComponentPortal(this.nodeButtonsType ? this.nodeButtonsType : StorageNodeButtonsComponent, null,
      new PortalInjector(this.injector, new WeakMap([[STORAGE_NODE, this.node]])));

ngOnInit is not called when the component view is recycled. So to prevent visual glitches such as nodes having the buttons displayed or files (tree leaves) with a toggle button, the node data is injected via a setter:

  selector: 'lib-storage-node',
  templateUrl: './storage-node.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./storage-node.component.scss']
export class StorageNodeComponent {

  public hasChild: boolean;
  public nodeButtons: ComponentPortal<any>;

  @Input() public expanded: boolean;
  private _node: StorageNode;

  constructor(public ref: ElementRef,
              public treeControl: StorageTreeControlService,
              private injector: Injector,
              @Inject(STORAGE_NODE_BUTTONS) @Optional() private nodeButtonsType: any) {

  @Input() set node(node: StorageNode) {
    this._node = node;
    this.hasChild = node.type === 'DIRECTORY';

  get node(): StorageNode {
    return this._node;


As the logic to display a toggle button only for directories was moved from the tree component to the node component (the code feels clearer this way!), the node setter updates the hasChild property.

Performance Improvement With CdKPortal

The node buttons are only visible when the user places his mouse cursor over it. Previously I only used two CSS classes to do it.

hover-show-child on the buttons div that hides them by default:

.hover-show-child {
  display: none;

hover-show-parent on the node div that displays the hover-show-child when hovered (SCSS):

.hover-show-parent {
  &:hover {
    .hover-show-child {
      display: block;

This does the trick but all buttons are present in the DOM even when not displayed. To improve the global performance of the tree it is better to completely remove the buttons from the view when the user has not his mouse over the tree node.

So I dropped the CSS classes in favor of a boolean property named hover on the component:

<div (mouseenter)="hover = true" (mouseleave)="hover = false">

This property has a getter and a setter:

  private _hover = false;


  @Input() set node(node: StorageNode) {
      this._node = node;
      this.hasChild = node.type === 'DIRECTORY';
      this.hover = false;

  set hover(hover: boolean) {
    if (hover) {
      this.nodeButtons = new ComponentPortal(this.nodeButtonsType ? this.nodeButtonsType : StorageNodeButtonsComponent, null,
        new PortalInjector(this.injector, new WeakMap([[STORAGE_NODE, this.node]])));
    } else if (this.nodeButtons && this.nodeButtons.isAttached) {
    this._hover = hover;

  get hover(): boolean {
    return this._hover;

Let's take a closer look at the hover setter:

  • When it is set to true, a new ComponentPortal is created with the buttons.
  • When it is set to false, any existing portal (nodeButtons class field) is detached to avoid potential memory leaks.

Also, when the node value is set, the hover property is always set to false in order to avoid visual glitches after views recycling.

Fix Toggle Button

While using a MatTree, the directive matTreeNodeToggle was available to toggle the node expanded state:

<button mat-icon-button matTreeNodeToggle [@state]="state">
  <lib-icon [icon]="expandIcon"></lib-icon>

Replacing the tree with a CdkVirtualScroll forces us to remove this directive from the toggle button component:

<button mat-icon-button [@state]="state">
  <lib-icon [icon]="expandIcon"></lib-icon>

It can simply be replaced by a call to the toggle method on the FlatTreeControl:


Scroll To Selected Node

One big advantage of the Virtual Scroll is its capacity to scroll to a selected index. In OctoPerf, when an action is selected in the center pane, is it automatically selected in the files tree on the left (like in any IDE).

In the previous version I had to implement the logic to automatically scroll to the selected tree node and its quite complex to manage.

With the CdkVirtualScrollViewport you can simply call the scrollToIndex method:

this.scrollableTree.scrollToIndex(this.dataSource.findIndex(this.treeControl._lastSelection), 'smooth');

Cherry on the cake, the smooth parameter will make the scrollToIndex use a animation instead of jumping to the selected node.

That's it for the migration from a flat CdkTree to a CdkVirtualScroll.

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