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Run JMeter test from GIT using Jenkins

You may have heard the term shift-left testing which is essentially moving the testing to an earlier stage in the project lifecycle, essentially the activity is moved to the left on the project timeline.

The benefits of testing earlier have always been understood but not always happened when we consider performance testing which in some cases is still left until the very end of the delivery process.

With many organisations that use an Agile Approach to development, having a shift-left approach to performance testing becomes important as otherwise this may impact on your Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery ambitions if every couple of weeks you have to wait for a performance or scalability or soak test to be run before promoting your code to production.

In this post we are going to look at how we can execute our performance tests on a regular basis in parallel with the development activity using the tools that development teams use.

We are going to look at running a simple performance test using Jenkins with tests that are version controlled in a GIT repository and whilst it is a simple example it will give you an understanding of the process for you to expand on and shows how your tests can be run using technologies used to deliver the code to testing environments and production, effectively integrating your performance testing into the development activity.

The Complete Guide of JMeter Controllers

In this blog post we are going to look at several JMeter Controllers, specifically:

This is not an exhaustive list of controllers that JMeter offers but these once will give you a clear insight into how controllers are integral in defining load testing scenarios and how without them you will struggle to build complex and indicative load tests.

Technically JMeter has two types of controllers and these are categorised as Samplers and Logical Controllers, the controllers we are looking at in this post are the Logical Controllers that allows you to customise how JMeter delivers requests to meet your load profiles.

Let’s look at the logical controllers with some examples of how they can be used, our tests will consist of Dummy Samplers as this is the simplest way to demonstrate how the various Controllers work. You can follow along each example by downloading the JMX here.

A complete look at JMeter's FTP and SSH SFTP samplers

While the File Transfer Protocol is one of the original protocols used in the early adoption of the internet it remains a fundamental part of modern computer networks.

In this post we will look at the way the JMeter can support you in performance testing FTP and SFTP.

SFTP is a more recent development to provide a layer of security over the original protocol to make it more suitable for the modern internet and is different to FPT in many ways.

Whilst SFTP is considered more appropriate for modern systems there are still many applications that rely on, and implement, FTP and therefore we will look at how we can test both.

If you want to follow along, a JMX file containing all the steps detailed below can be downloaded here.

Looking at the uses of JMeter Timers

Timers in JMeter are incredibly important when it comes to the balance and pace of your performance tests, we are going to look at the Timers that ship with the standard JMeter installation in this Blog post but there are others that are available as a Plugin and hopefully this post will encourage you to investigate these further.

The timers that we will discuss are:

Kafka Load Testing with JMeter

This post is about Kafka and the process I have been through recently writing a performance test for an application that subscribes to messages from this technology.

The test I ended up with was in the end very straightforward but there were several hurdles that took a while to resolve. I hope that reading this post will hopefully help you avoid them.

The performance testing concepts we will discuss are focused on how to publish messages onto a Kafka topic and will not discuss how to write a test to consume messages from Kafka. We wanted to focus first on some of the concepts of adding messages and we will look at the consumption in a later post.

If you are performance testing an application that subscribes to a Kafka topic then the consumption of messages will be performed by the application you are testing, and therefore you will not need a consumer test.

You will mostly be performance testing an application that consumes from Kafka and would probably only want a consumer if you were testing your implementation of Kafka.

Before we start let’s take a high level look at what Kafka is and how it works.