Why we embrace remote work
The world population has grown by 30% since 1990, going from 5 to 7 billions people. The distance from workplace to residence tends to increase due to the life cost within cities, like in San Francisco, where someone is renting a backyard tent for 899$ per month, for people willing to have a temporary home until finding a decent one.
Why should we stay at a single place when having a digital company like ours? Why are companies requiring people to be at work 9am-6pm? Isn't there something we can do to make people happier and healthier?
I feel like, as a Digital worker, that we shouldn't be constrained to work at a single location. While you still need to meet each other from time to time, people moving to workplace is inefficient.
Commuting hell
I've been in San Francisco Bay a few years ago and have been astonished by how many people were driving to their workplace, alone in their cars. The same happens here in South France. I commuted to work for many years, spending countless hours in traffic jams. The time spent commuting is purely wasted. You can't do anything when you are driving your car. It's a little better when using public transports since you can do something else while on your way.