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Networking with OctoPerf 9.6

Networking with OctoPerf 9.6

Since our last post about OctoPerf 9.4, we've been working on a lot of different subjects. As usual, you can find all the details in our changelog, but let's have a look at the key improvements.

IP Spoofing

IP Spoofing

IP Spoofing is a technique used to impersonate another computing system. In performance testing it is interesting when you face a load-balancer or anti DDOS mechanism that requires each virtual user to have a different IP. We were previously having trouble with it because of the way we use docker to run our agents. But we finally figured a way to make it work with our new agent. Of course it will only be possible with an On-premise agent since having loads of IPs in the cloud would not be possible. But the setup is very easy, you just have to declare the IPs on the agent machine and then use our interface to link them to your script.

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New top menu

Browsing through results or a list of script is perfectly fine as long as their number remains low. But with our usual interface, it could be confusing when this number increases: Old menu

Because of this, we've added another layout that can be toggled here: Toggle

And for large numbers of items, that will look much better, in particular since it is possible to sort on all columns: New menu

That will make navigation and usability much better on large projects with many scripts/reports.

Enhanced proxy support

The way we handled proxies with our agents was not working properly in all contexts. To fix this we now rely on the underlying proxy configured in docker. This way we know for sure that the proxy is properly configured when the agent starts: Docker proxy

Download resources filters

We've added a configuration on each request to support automatic resources filters:

Resources filters

With this it will be possible to include or exclude some domains from the automatic resources. And also configure the number of parallel threads used to download them. We have of course added this configuration to the search and replace so that you don't have to do it manually everywhere:

Search and replace resources

Filter on result and error table

And last but not least, the new filter we implemented on the tree view is now also available on result and error tables: Filters

That will make it even faster to pinpoint some requests/transactions in these two report items.

Final note

As usual, we hope you like all the new features we've added. More is coming in our next major version but we'll tell you more about this next year. In the meantime we'll keep up the good work and we hope you will enjoy the end of year celebrations that are just around the corner.

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