Adeo - Case study
Adeo is the European leader in the home improvement and DIY market, and number 3 worldwide. Its companies : Leroy Merlin, Bricoman, Weldom, Zôdio… Gather 150 000 leaders and more than 1000 sales points over 20 countries.
Teams all over the world enable ADEO companies be useful to inhabitants while making home a positive place to live.

While load testing was gaining traction in the company, limitations from the usual tool, were found and prevented an easy growth:
- 5 parallel runs limitation, that could only be upgraded through a very expensive license modification,
- Floating licensing policy which only allowed 5000 concurrent Vus for the entire company,
- Load tests duration capped at 8 hours,
- Insufficient resources on the load generators (2CPU / 8Gb Ram),
- The lack of a strong relationship with the tool's support team.
All those limitations pushed ADEO to begin the process of acquiring a new tool.