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Load Testing Blog

JMeter Properties: Configurable Test Plans

Your company probably runs JMeter test plans on a regular basis. Tests constantly need to be adjusted to change settings like concurrent users or test duration. Editing the JMX is time consuming and error prone.

It's painful, especially if you run test using Continuous Integration as part of a Shift-Left strategy. Thankfully, there is a way!

Let me guide you through all the options to design flexible JMeter test plans using configurable properties.

Why Configurable Tests

JMeter performance test plans are now commonly being executed throughout the development lifecycle as part of:

  • pipelines to focus on a particular service or user journey,
  • Isolated component testing as part of development activities,
  • And agile Shift-Left performance testing: testing earlier during the development cycle.

Networking with OctoPerf 9.6

Since our last post about OctoPerf 9.4, we've been working on a lot of different subjects. As usual, you can find all the details in our changelog, but let's have a look at the key improvements.

IP Spoofing

IP Spoofing

IP Spoofing is a technique used to impersonate another computing system. In performance testing it is interesting when you face a load-balancer or anti DDOS mechanism that requires each virtual user to have a different IP. We were previously having trouble with it because of the way we use docker to run our agents. But we finally figured a way to make it work with our new agent. Of course it will only be possible with an On-premise agent since having loads of IPs in the cloud would not be possible. But the setup is very easy, you just have to declare the IPs on the agent machine and then use our interface to link them to your script.

Starwest 2018: Our Feedback

Starwest was the third and the last stage of our American Expo tour. Last, but not least, Starwest is known for being one of the largest conference and expo in the Software testing industry.

Like past year, the 2018 edition was organized in Anaheim, California, at the Disney convention center. Techwell is behind the organization of this main event.

Quite a long trip for us to fly from south of France to the west coast. But on paper it was supposed to be a good call since about 1000 attendees were registered for the show, as well as 54 exhibitors.

And frankly speaking, the opportunity to spend some time in California is always a good incentive!

JMeter 5 and OctoPerf 9.4

JMeter 5 is out, be the first to test with it from the cloud with OctoPerf!

Integration of JMeter 5

Apache JMeter

This brand new version of JMeter brings a lot of new features and fixes. As usual we've worked hard to migrate all our load generators to JMeter 5 as fast as possible. Compatibility with previous scripts is still guaranteed since the number of core changes remains small.

Elasticsearch: Optimization Guide

You may already have setup an Elasticsearch cluster but you're struggling with numerous issues:

  • Indexing is slow: somehow you're not getting the ingestion performance you expected,
  • Out of Memory: your nodes are regularly hitting the Java Xmx mark and you don't know why,
  • all CPU cores are not used: somehow you are struggling to vertically scale the database to take advantage of multiple CPU cores,
  • and much more.

After spending several years maintaining, upgrading and tweaking Elasticsearch, we've learnt a lot of things along the way. We feel like the tips and tricks to optimize Elasticsearch provided here can be useful to others.

With tools like Kubernetes or Rancher, it's becoming much easier to exploit physical hardware without the need of an entire IT department. The optimizing guide below intends to provide a solid foundation for people willing to setup Elasticsearch at scale in production. Let's start!