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Is JMeter a good alternative to LoadRunner

The subject of this post is ‘Is JMeter, a good alternative to LoadRunner’.

The short answer is yes absolutely, the longer answer is of course a lot more complex and interesting and worthy of discussion.

We will not discuss the more technical aspects of the tools as there are many, many posts talk about this already and it’s not worth repeating the same thing again.

Let’s look at it from a usability in the real world perspective.

JMeter If Controller

You may ask yourself:

  • How can I script Thread groups with dynamic behavior?
  • How to use the JMeter If Controller to leverage conditional behavior?

Good News! We're going to show you the JMeter If Controller by introducing you to conditional statements, advanced conditions and performance considerations.


The If Controller works great when you need to execute some elements of the Thread Group based on a given state. Let me give you meaningful examples:

  • If the shopping cart is empty, then execute Add a New Product to Cart,
  • If Account balance is below Zero, then Issue a wire transfer to rebalance the Account.

Depending on a given condition, then a given action is taken. That's it!

Performance Test Strategy

A long time ago, Quality Assurance was executed after development. Performance testing was an activity executed when software was ready for production.

If a performance issue was found, most companies:

  • Fix the issue which means a complete new cycle including QA Tests and performance tests are required,
  • Or put the software live and decided to fix it as part of ongoing development,
  • Or borrow from the future. That's technical debt.

Let’s be fair: this approach isn't optimal.

The root cause is performance testing is not considered viable until the software reached a certain level of maturity.

The DevOps approach is exactly the opposite: performance test early.

It is known as shift left performance testing and it works it just needs Quality Assurance teams to think a little differently when it comes to performance testing and to have a performance test strategy in place to support shift left performance testing.

Let’s explore how to integrate load testing as part of your software development strategy.

Soak Test – A Practical Example

As performance testers Soak Testing is a test that is often overlooked.

We always think of Peak Volume tests and we always like to push the system to its limits in the form of a Scalability Test but often the Soak Test is forgotten about.

It’s a great test and it tells you many critical aspects about your application under load, things that no other test can and is critical in determining if you application is fit for production.

What is it?

It’s a test that run for a long period of time, what is a long period of time .. well it depends upon your application, organisation, production requirements, appetite for testing….

JMeter Properties: Configurable Test Plans

Your company probably runs JMeter test plans on a regular basis. Tests constantly need to be adjusted to change settings like concurrent users or test duration. Editing the JMX is time consuming and error prone.

It's painful, especially if you run test using Continuous Integration as part of a Shift-Left strategy. Thankfully, there is a way!

Let me guide you through all the options to design flexible JMeter test plans using configurable properties.

Why Configurable Tests

JMeter performance test plans are now commonly being executed throughout the development lifecycle as part of:

  • pipelines to focus on a particular service or user journey,
  • Isolated component testing as part of development activities,
  • And agile Shift-Left performance testing: testing earlier during the development cycle.