Are you buying Quality software?
In our previous article, Building Better Software, we have already shown how clean we try to maintain our codebase. We strongly believe that it's possible to run a successful business and have clean code at the same time. While it's relatively easy to show some nice metrics a single time, it's much hard to keep your code clean over time.
Even if we release some major features like On-Premise load testing, we still follow the boy scout's rule: Always leave the campground cleaner than you found it. Clean Code is not only compatible with business needs, it's almost mandatory if you want to be quickly competitive on a given market.
Unlike most software companies who don't really care about the quality of the software they ship, we do care that you get the best bang for the buck load testing tool. Do you know any other software company which regularly publishes code quality metrics? Probably not. We're trying here to introduce a new movement in favor of clean code.
What is Clean Code
Clean code focus developing software that's easy to read, maintain and evolve. Good programmers have quickly understood that we are writing code for humans, not computers. Dikjstra, a famous mathematician, told something very interesting in 1972 at the Turing Award Lecture: