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Load Testing Blog

On-premise load injectors in 2 min

We are proud to announce that we support On-Premise load testing! What is On-premise load testing? Sometimes, web applications to test are behind firewalls. It may also happen that the application should not be available publicly until in production. Our on-premise feature allows you to test those applications without opening any firewall port.

You can now setup a machine to act as a load-generator on your private network. This post explains how to setup an on-premise load-generator within minutes.

Hybrid Load Testing

Our new technology allows you to mix both on-premise and cloud load-generators. Simulate virtual users running on your on-premise load-generators and virtual users running on our cloud infrastructure at the same time.

How does it work

All you need to do is to run our load testing agent on your on-premise servers. It consists of a simple Docker container, thus requiring nothing else than Docker. The agent connects to our Cloud platform, and waits for tasks. The agent will spawn JMeter Docker container when running load tests. JMeter will then hit your application and send metrics to our cloud servers.

How to build and release an open-source Java Project

I was recently curious on how to create an open-source project from scratch and release it on Maven Central. I'm going to explain in this post how to create and release your first Java open-source project.

I'm going to go through all the steps from creating the source repository, building the project using Continuous Integration, testing the code coverage and finally uploading a release on Maven Central.

No server is required to build the project, nor to publish it. Every tool used here is absolutely free, and most of them are open-source.

Source Control Management

First, we need to store the source code of our open-source project using an SCM.

New reporting capabilities

OctoPerf last update focused on improving the overall reporting with, for example, the possibility to insert page breaks in the generated PDF report.

The result table

We worked hard on the result table: from the way the metrics are displayed and sorted to the CSV export, we reviewed this report item so you can get the most revealing information from it.

Automated Subscription With Stripe

This short post describes the modifications made to OctoPerf for its last update, and how they can let you save time while preparing your load tests.

You may need to have a large performance test done for yesterday. In such case the process to get a license with the appropriate number of virtual users must be as straightforward as possible.

Subscribing to a plan

In OctoPerf, it's a matter of minutes:

  1. Connect to OctoPerf and go to your subscriptions page.
  2. Click on the orange Subscribe button bellow the list.
  3. The subscription wizard appears:

Select plan

What makes a realistic load test

Performance testing covers a wide range of different tests. The benefits can vary whether you test a single URL or a complete user journey through the application. It might seem obvious, but to add the most value to your load tests you should make them as realistic as reasonably possible.

What is the point of making a test realistic?

Quick and unrealistic load tests often prove useless or even counterproductive. It is often the best way to be overwhelmed with unreliable data.


A realistic load test will allow you to:

  • Stress all layers of your application. This way you can assess the performance of all your servers and detect bottlenecks.
  • Pinpoint real bottlenecks. For example a simple load test based on a single URL might point to limitations on your front servers when actually the real users won't experience it because the backend is the first to fail.
  • Avoid false positives. If you fail to launch realistic tests and encounter a lot of errors, you might stress the CPU of your front servers to handle these errors. The same goes for the network if you don't simulate the load from the right location.