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Load Testing Blog

JMeter Tutorial For Beginners

You are probably looking for a tutorial to quickly learn how to use JMeter.

You have already read many other JMeter Tutorials, but the only thing which comes to your mind is... Boring.

That's great because this Huge Tutorial will teach you in a way you don't fall asleep:

  • What JMeter Is: Learn what a Load Testing Tool is,
  • How It Works: get introduced to the concepts behind the tool and know the JMeter features,
  • How to Setup the Tool: learn how to install and run JMeter,
  • How to Build a Test Plan: JMeter Test Plan is the root for all tests, learn how to create your own,
  • How to Run Your First Test: We're going to unleash JMeter's power,
  • How to design dynamically behaving users by extracting content from server responses,
  • Finally, How to Collect and Analyze Results: gathering response times and analyzing the target website performance.

I promise, at the end of this tutorial, JMeter won't have any secret for you anymore! And, it will be fun too.

Soap vs Rest (Why comparing them is a nonsense)

I know you won't like this answer... But SOAP vs REST is not the right question to ask. Rest, unlike Soap, is an architectural style, not a protocol. To better understand REST, one should read RESTful Design Principles.

Okay, but Why do some people like SOAP while others love REST? Why is there such a strong emotion around those two names?

Because the best way to compare things is to compare them point by point, we have created a huge table which compares Soap to Rest with 10+ different criterias.

API Testing Tools: The Ultimate Guide (20+ Eye-Catching Reviews)

It's not a secret that choosing the right API Testing Tools can be overwhelming. And you are desperately looking for SoapUI Alternatives, I've been there too.

GUI Testing can be horribly slow, a nightmare to maintain and requires a permanent QA Engineer. It's no wonder more and more Devops oriented companies (who aim to unify software development and testing) tend to favor API Testing.

API (which means Application Programming Interface) Testing has proven to be faster and more reliable. Plus, developers can write tests too!

Looking for an ultimate guide to make your choice? Here we have made visual reviews of more than 20 Rest / Soap Testing software in one single place. No more web crawling to get an insight on all the tools!

Ready for some action? Let's go!

Java - 10+ Amazing Ways to Write to File

It's surprising to see how many different ways exist to write a File in Java! It can be quite confusing... This is why we made this tutorial. We'll explore the different ways, the best practices involved as well as the common pitfalls.

If you're wondering how to write text or binary data in a File, you're in the right place!