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Load Testing Blog

OctoPerf 7.2 is released

We recently released a new minor version of OctoPerf. It includes many improvements in terms of usability and also support for a new monitoring technology. Let's have a look at these.

Usage logs

One of the main feedback from our large customers was about how difficult it can be to follow the activity on a workspace. We decided to implement a new section in the subscription page that will log every test done on the current workspace: Usage Logs

OctoPerf enterprise edition

I am pleased to announce a very important Milestone in OctoPerf's history. OctoPerf is releasing it's Enterprise Edition, an OctoPerf version you can install anywhere and use to run your own tests.

It's been a couple of years since we originally launched OctoPerf and I consider myself lucky to have been part of this adventure. We keep the development pace very high to meet our challenges and are happy now to propose a solution able to deal with high security requirements. The OctoPerf Enterprise Edition is on par with the SaaS solution in terms of features and User Interface. It is still the same easy to learn, quick and price attractive software , but now you can host all data yourself. You own everything. Like our SaaS platform you can use it for free with up to 50 concurrent users. You are not limited in number of test, duration or features. Feel free to give it a try.

If you want to find out more about the required configuration to run it, this is covered in the Enterprise Edition documentation.

JMeter Regex Extractor: How to Extract Variables

You're surely here because you are looking for the Ultimate Tutorial explaining how JMeter's Regex Extractor works.

Great News! This post covers everything you need to know about variable extraction using Regular Expressions.

We'll learn many concepts along the way:

  • How to re-use JMeter variables (like ${foo}) in subsequent samplers and controllers (If Controller, Response Assertion, etc.),
  • How to extract single and multiple values from an HTTP message body,
  • How to write lightning fast regular expressions, and boost JMeter speed,
  • and more!

By the way, we suggest you to take a look at our tutorials explaining how to use Json Extractor and XPath Extractor too.

Let's have some fun!

Best Tools for the seasoned JMeter Tester

As a professional JMeter tester, i'm sure you've always dreamt about knowing what other seasoned JMeter QA tools use. The following list describes the most interesting tools to go along with JMeter.



Telerik Fiddler is a free web debugging tool which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Inspect traffic, set breakpoints, and fiddle with http requests.

Fiddler is really useful to record the http requests between your browser and the remote HTTP servers. It can also be used to debug http calls made by JMeter, by configuring JMeter to use Fiddler as a proxy.

Fiddler can also export the recorded HTTP requests in various formats include HAR files. Thanks to Fiddlers auto-generated SSL Certificate, once you have trusted the Fiddler CA Root Certificate, recording SSL encrypted website becomes a breeze.

Another batch of fresh new features

I know it's hot outside and you feel like you're missing out on your precious sun tan, but that doesn't mean folks at OctoPerf stopped working. In fact we've been working on major features, but more on that in a later post, today, I'd like to talk about the little things that will make you life even easier.

Advanced rights management

Well the first one is a not-so-little thing, we listened to feedbacks regarding the workspace and rights system and implemented an upgraded version. Previously, you could only give access to an entire workspace, which would not be convenient when collaborating with another team or working for several different customers. Since you might not want to allow someone to view or edit all your projects but just a particular one. Which is why we've added advanced rights management:
