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Load Testing Blog

OctoPerf 11 - Modular design, tags and improved administration

Modular design

One of the things we always wanted to handle in OctoPerf is modular design. In JMeter you can use test fragments. So far when you imported fragments in OctoPerf their content was just duplicated over the original Include controller or Module controller.

But now not only can you import your modular design from JMeter but you can also create it directly in OctoPerf: Create fragments

A fragment virtual user can be seen as a library of functions. At the moment it is only possible to populate it by copy/pasting content but more options will come later.

Then inside any other virtual user of your project you can create a Link action: Link fragments You can use this to zoom on the fragment itself. That can be useful for instance to see what's the result of a virtual user validation on a test fragment.

Fullstack Reactive Server Sent Events

Reactive programming is a programming paradigm aimed at maintaining overall coherence by propagating changes from a reactive source (modification of a variable, user input, etc.) to elements dependent on this source.

Reactive applications are more and more important today as they are:

  • Highly Available: the system must respond quickly no matter what,
  • Resilient: the system must always remain available, even in case of error or even if it is overloaded,
  • Message Oriented: the system uses asynchronous messages.

Which meets the requirements of today's users.

Test camp 2019: OctoPerf in Poland

For our first time in Poland, we decided to attend to TestCamp conference. TestCamp is an event-based in Wroclaw, Poland. Test Army is behind the organisation. This event was split in two days, the first one, we trained a few people on OctoPerf. The second one as exhibitor and speaker. More than 500 people attended on Saturday, which is quite an impressive number.

How To Deploy InfluxDB / Telegraf / Grafana on K8s?

This article follows our first blog post related to deployment on Kubernetes. It is a step-by-step guide explaining how to deploy the InfluxDb/Telegraf/Grafana stack.

More importantly we will se:

Here again we rely on declarative configuration of K8s to install the InfluxDB/Grafana stack. It's the easiest way to do since there are many configuration objects to create.

How To Deploy a Frontend on Kubernetes?

Kubernetes (commonly referred to as "K8s") is an open source system that aims to provide a platform for automating the deployment, scalability and implementation of application containers on server clusters. It works with a variety of container technologies, and is often used with Docker. It was originally designed by Google and then offered to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

This blog post belongs to a series that describe how to use Minikube, declarative configuration files and the kubectl command-line tool to deploy Docker micro-services on Kubernetes. It focuses on the installation of an Angular 8 frontend application served by an NGinx Ingress controller.

While being the most complex kind of Kubernetes object management, the declarative object configuration allows to apply and revert configuration updates. Also, configuration files can easily be shared or saved into a version control system like Git.

But before going to the configuration of our frontend and its proxy, let's see what is needed in order to follow this tutorial.